* All lectures from YouTube from 2016 to the present are now available on the Audio Lectures section.

* Newer lectures from 2022-2023 from the Divine Harmony YouTube channel are available here under the lecture section. These have had the line by line Russian translation removed for the ease of English speakers.

* All Rasa and Bliss tracks are available in full quality. See more at https://rasabliss.bandcamp.com

* ReDiscovering Divine Harmony has started! Visit the new website by clicking on the link to the left.

* The Live YouTube Broadcast now includes simultaneous English-Russian Translation. Sign up for notifications using the link on the left. Learn about how to set your speaker balance to hear the language of your choice in the broadcast menu above or on Hari's YouTube channel. We will try to maintain a first and third Saturday of the month schedule for broadcasting.

* WOW! News at last! Hari will broadcast Saturday, July 2 at EST Noon, Moscow time 7pm, on his YouTube channel. The link to see that broadcast is https://www.youtube.com/user/RobertCampagnola/live Log in to YouTube or Google to ask questions or interact.