2 or 1?

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2 or 1?

Post by Sati »

Dear Hari!
I was thinkig about Radha and Krishna and got some questions. :roll:
God has this form - male and female, loving each other. One without another is incomplete.
We are created in the image of God. Ane we are the same quality. So, according to this (2 persons that are one) form of God, the idea of divine union of 2 soles seem to be very attractive.
In Moscow in one of the lectures (about love between рeope) You ve mentioned the theory of twin soles, but didnt manifest Your attitude to it.

Actually the qestion is "Is it possible that in order to be complete and fully aware of ourselves we need another particular or not particular sole in a male of female body"? If yes, then how does it fit with our individual relations with God?
Also If yes, then this attachment of almost all religions to the idea of different monasterys (that prevent relations between male and female for those who want spiritual realisation) seems to be strange. But if we look inside this monasterys (at list here, in Russia) often we find the relations between people there even worse then outside...Then it only proves the idea of this union...
Also as i understand, the spiritual body depends on the relationships with Radha and Krishna. There are friends and lovers and s.o. Also in some scriptures it was sayed that the sole has female nature, then how does it relate to the male spiritual body, for exumple?
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Post by Hari »

The concept that the soul is feminine by nature is borne of the idea that females are subordinate to males due to their inherent inferiority. This idea is derived from the females supposed lesser intelligence and power, their tendency towards materialism, their dependency and so on. If you accept this, then the idea of souls being feminine in relation to the Supreme Male (God) makes sense. People in the past viewed the world this way and integrated their view into their conception of their relation to God. Therefore, God, who is usually defined in human terms due to man's inability to conceive of a God beyond himself, became a male who as the supreme power enjoyed all other souls as subordinate females. The idea that the male is the enjoyer and the female is the enjoyed fits within the historical ideal of men.

If you do not believe this version of subordinate and subordinator, you can simply discard such terminology and stop struggling with all souls being female. It then becomes much easier to deal with the soul's inclination to be male or female as is desired or as is apparent from the inherent nature of their energy. It also becomes easier to understand how spiritual energies inclined towards the male or female gender are attracted to their gender opposites. Twin souls can then be male/female combinations without disrupting the basic principles of spirituality.

The idea that residents of monasteries or spiritual ashramas are unbalanced has been documented by history and expressed within literature. We have also seen this lack of balance manifested within the last century as the disturbing manner in which the devoted lost their capacity to love and relate to one another in a healthy manner due to their being programmed to think such healthy relations are somehow illusory or evil. The problems male spiritual aspirants have with women translates into their philosophy as rules and regulations meant to prevent the disturbing connection between men and women. In the rare moments when women are accepted within the spiritual context as theoretically equal, they must still remain separate, protected, and sheltered, as the female is socially encouraged to accept roles which fit within the historical norm even though that norm is not verbalized. They may rarely be given independence to organize or act but it usually implies separation from men. In all cases, intimacy is feared. Alternatively, if the males see the females are good at earning money, all philosophical ideals are set aside long enough to reap the profits of their labor while keeping the feminine capacities and qualities at arm's length.

Lord Caitanya has been called the yuga avatara, or the personality who displayed the mood and method of the age we live in. He has been seen as Krsna appearing as Radha to taste the love of Radha for Krsna while secondarily spreading love of God to all people. This seems incomplete to me for I see Lord Caitanya as the combination of Radha and Krsna and not as Krsna covered with the mood and complexion of Radha. This was demonstrated by Lord Caitanya to Ramananda Raya and was considered to be the most complete manifestation of the Lord. That Radha and Krsna become one is natural since they are originally one but have separated for pleasure. Svarupa Damodara confirmed this.

I see this sublime re-unification as the primary spiritual goal in this age for Lord Caitanya is the perfect example of the twin soul and acted as such. Radha and Krsna are one, but they separated for pleasure. In Lord Caitanya, they reunited for even greater pleasure. Thus the spiritual history and literature of this age documents the perfect balance of the Supreme Male and Supreme Female as the guiding beacon of hope and direction for all souls who are evolved enough to share this vision and reunite with their twins. I see this as the most powerful evolutionary goal in this age.

A soul mate is one who is a loving friend within our spiritual family who remains connected to us through time. We may or may not have a more intimate connection as conjugal partners with these persons for the basis of our connection to them does not depend on it. A twin soul is our other half. This person is the separated part of us that has somewhat independently evolved with the goal to reunite when the time is right. The time being right is dependent on both halves having evolved enough to have a solid and powerful balance between their male and female energies as this balance in both souls is required to empower the resultant union with the capacity of potent expression. So above, so below; so with God, so with man. Thus Lord Caitanya becomes the forerunner for the re-unification of all separated souls.

One may raise the point that individual souls feeling some lacking separate to become recreated as whole after the parts evolve and grow to the point that the unification becomes much greater than the sum of the parts, but Lord Caitanya did not have that problem. Yet we see commentators on Lord Caitanya's life stating that Krsna did not understand fully the love Radha had for him and therefore desired to accept the combined form to increase his appreciation and understanding. The principle of so above, so below remains valid.

Did Lord Caitanya have a difficulty in relating with 'God?' Not at all. Was this relation strained, artificial, distorted or substantially different than that which is acceptable to us? No. Therefore when we re-unify we have no difficulty in our relation with the supreme; indeed, as the relationship matures and deepens it manifests increasing power and intensity.
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Post by Sati »

Thank you very much for your answer! It is very easy to understand and to accept.
It makes me realy happy because for a long time I had the inner hope that things could be like that :003
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